Press / Media
Media Contact:
Jere Halligan, Ride Director
The Recovery Ride |
(619) 955-5444
Cyclists Are Riding For A Cause
“The Recovery Ride” Hits The Road April 19
San Diego, CA – September 18, 2019 – The Recovery Ride, a one-of-a-kind charity event in San Diego, will hit the road on Sunday, April 19, 2020 with over 450 riders and volunteers all pedaling to support a handful of important causes.
“The Recovery Ride is the only charity bike ride in San Diego aimed at supporting the efforts of men and women working to get and stay sober,” says Ride Director Jere Halligan. “But that’s not the only thing that makes us unique. Because we are all volunteers and there’s no paid staff, we are able to ensure every dollar raised goes directly to our beneficiaries and stays right here in San Diego.”
This year’s event will benefit several organizations that make a deep impact in the lives of others. Stepping Stone of San Diego is a non-profit residential alcohol and drug recovery agency that offers a variety of treatment and recovery programs for a diverse group of participants, including members of the LGBTQ community, regardless of their ability to pay. The San Diego HIV Funding Collaborative is a program of the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation and provides much needed resources to HIV service providers throughout the County. In addition, partner teams benefitting from the ride include: Mama’s Kitchen, which provides nutritious meals to those with HIV/AIDS and critical illnesses; The Turning Point Home and Crossroads Foundation, which provide help for alcoholic women who want to get sober.
The Recovery Ride provides fun options for both experienced and casual riders, with three route lengths (12/25/40 miles). All three will originate at the Swiss Park event center in Chula Vista and continue along the Silver Strand to the Olympic Training Center and beyond. Ride-out times will be staggered from approximately 8:00 to 9:30 am, and all are anticipated to be back to the finish line between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.
In cycling terms, a “recovery ride” is a short ride the day after a long, grueling one to help the body “recover.” “There’s obviously a double entendre there,” said Halligan. “We are wanting to share our passion of cycling for a cause while hopefully inspiring others to ‘get their hearts in gear.’”
The day before the ride, organizers are planning a “Day Zero” event at the Stepping Stone residential treatment center (3767 Central Avenue in San Diego) to permit riders to pick up registration packets, and introduce them to the great work being done by the facility. The Day Zero event will take place on Saturday, April 18, 2020, from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. The public is welcome and light snacks will be served.
On the day of the ride, community groups and other organizations have signed on to host a festival and rest stops to welcome and cheer riders and hand out refreshments. Cheer San Diego Extreme has signed on to host Rest Stop 1 at Babycakes Café in Imperial Beach. Representatives of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be in attendance. Each rest stop will have its own theme, performances, dance, music, etc.
“The Recovery Ride is a fun event,” said Halligan. “We don’t take ourselves too seriously. The Recovery Ride combines a ton of fun, a lot of heart, maybe a few tears, with fits of cheering. We won’t have a lot of competition and a requirement to wear spandex (although we don’t mind if you do!).”
For information, visit